Realtime production

We are waiting for a new monitoring system and when it is ready, you will be able to follow the production from the turbines in realtime.

Estimated production

The annual production of the wind farm is estimated to be 99,000 MWh. The guarantied production is 89,000 MWh per year. The farm efficiency is estimated to be 93.3%.

The annual production of the 10 southern turbines belonging to the Middelgrunden Wind Turbine Cooperative is estimated to be 49,000 MWh. The guaranteed production of the Cooperative's turbines is estimated to be 44.000 MWh per year.

The annual production of the 10 northern turbines belonging to HOFOR is estimated to be 50,000 MWh.


Production 2024:

Jan: 4.244.489,000 kWh
Feb: 3.910.171,800 kWh
Mar:  3.306.010,900 kWh
Apr:  2.499.050,100 kWh
May:  2.401.532,200 kWh
Jun:  1.823.640,200 kWh
Jul:  1.512.120,400 kWh
Aug: 1.505.269,100 kWh
Sep:  1.948.411,900 kWh
Oct:  2.569.236,100 kWh
Nov: 2.167.489,300 kWh

The figure above shows the monthly production,  the estimated production and budget production from The Cooperative's 10 turbines. 

Power output

The Middelgrunden Wind Turbine Co-operative´s daily production will be accessible from the Danish frontpage shortly. 

Only by the end of March 2001 were all the turbines released for full load at 2000 kW.

Previous years

2023- kWh

Jan: 4.316.697,300 kWh
Feb: 2.336.020,100 kWh
Mar: 3.328.591,000 kWh
Apr: 3.185.170,800 kWh
May: 2.928.772,900 kWh
Jun:  1.337.398,900 kWh
Jul:  2.549.581,500 kWh
Aug:  1.540.590,600 kWh
Sep: 1.971.468,500 kWh
Oct:  5.052.123,200 kWh
Nov:  4.402.325,200 kWh
Dec:  4.823.355,900 kWh

2022- kWh

Jan: 4.390.616,900 kWh
Feb: 4.653.790,600 kWh
Mar: 2.865.486,500 kWh
Apr: 2.253.728,000 kWh
May:  1.963.756,700 kWh
Jun:  894.456,200 kWh
Jul:  2.465.285,200 kWh
Aug:  694.037 kWh
Sep: 1.872.159 kWh
Oct:  2.529.280 kWh
Nov:  3.824.696 kWh
Dec:  3.500.262 kWh

2021- kWh

Jan: 3.607.779,400 kWh
Feb: 4.156.684,100 kWh
Mar: 3.223.604,900 kWh
Apr: 3.286.945,800 kWh
May: 2.352.487,200 kWh
Jun: 1.709.169,400 kWh
Jul: 1.907.025,500 kWh
Aug: 1.852.718,200 kWh
Sep: 1.530.081,400 kWh
Oct: 3.101.859,100 kWh
Nov: 3.302.546.600 kWh
Dec: 3.529.961,000 kWh

2020 - kWh

Jan: 4.657.946,700
Feb: 6.537.269,600
Mar: 3.964.007,800
Apr: 4.021.813,200
May: 3.180.581,300
Jun: 2.487.114,700
Jul: 3.442.918,900
Aug: 1.426.344,800
Sep: 2.503.956,800
Oct: 3.967.493,000 

Nov: 4.218.979,600
Dec: 5.530.731,900

2019 - kWh

Jan:  3.591.638,400
Feb: 2.766.811,300
Mar: 3.889.043,600
Apr: 2.593.998,500
May: 2.550.935,200
Jun:  2.077.377,500
Jul:   2.523.594,900
Aug: 1.850.500,300
Sep:  3.419.426,400
Oct:  3.294.679,600
Nov: 3.691.839,300
Dec: 4.308.493,000

2018 - kWh

Jan:  1.013.464,200
Feb:  0*
Mar: 1.943.302,600
Apr:  3.281.472,000
May:  1.962.183,700
Jun:   1.679.506,400
Jul:    1.074.997,900
Aug: 2.036.067,600
Sep:  3.045.813,400
Oct:  3.933.978,800
Nov:  3.335.517,700
Dec:  3.718.304,900 

* pga netfejl og skader

2017 - kWh

Jan:   3.071.015
Feb:  4.980.345
Mar:  3.784.530
Apr:  4.151.655
May:  3.511.430
Jun:  3.872.228
Jul:   2.074.778
Aug: 2.603.500
Sep:  2.959.380
Oct:  4.879.351
Nov: 3.563.836
Dec: 4.727.329

2016 - kWh

Jan:  5.044.435
Feb: 3.416.690
Mar: 2.258.840
Apr:  3.791.635
May:  2.444.360
Jun:   2.119.795
Jul:    1.895.620
Aug: 2.703.050
Sep: 2.096.260
Oct:  5.960.375
Nov: 4.733.190
Dec: 4.564.845

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